Unlocking Healing from Within: The Power of Somatic Therapy

Man meditating with Sensate

A few years ago, I realized that my clients were only getting so far in therapy with cognitive-based techniques. So in early 2020, I took an 8-week somatic experiencing course in order to help my clients integrate nervous system regulation into our work together… and it changed everything.

So how exactly can you achieve this somatic experience for yourself? That’s where Sensate comes in. The Sensate is a nervous system regulation device I use in sessions with my clients when utilizing body-based somatic therapy techniques. I am a big believer that trauma is stored in the body and that talk therapy can only get you so far.

It’s small, wearable, quiet, and simple to use. Developed by physicians and tested in clinics, Sensate helps regulate your body’s natural response to stress. Its patented technology sends intrasonic waves through your chest, to help tone your vagus nerve, deep in the core of your nervous system. The vagus nerve is one of the longest and most important nerves in the human body; It is responsible for many important functions such as mood and emotion regulation.

Keep reading to learn more about Sensate and take advantage of my exclusive discount code: YJT10

Trauma Is Stored in Your Body

There is a growing body of research and clinical evidence suggesting that trauma can be stored in the body, as well as in the mind. Trauma can have profound effects on the way that the body functions and can manifest as physical symptoms, even long after the traumatic event has occurred.

One theory behind this is that traumatic experiences can cause a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling the body's involuntary functions such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion. This dysregulation can lead to chronic stress, inflammation, and changes in the body's stress response system.

Additionally, research has shown that trauma can also affect the way that the body's muscles, fascia, and other connective tissues function. These tissues can become tense and constricted in response to trauma, which can lead to chronic pain and other physical symptoms.

Therapeutic approaches such as somatic experiencing, yoga, and mindfulness have been developed to help individuals address the physical manifestations of trauma and release stored tension from the body. These approaches aim to help individuals connect with and regulate their physical sensations in order to release trauma and promote healing.

The Science Behind Sensate and Somatic Therapy

Sensate is a wearable device that is designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It works by delivering low-frequency vibrations to the body, which are intended to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for calming the body down and promoting relaxation.

The science behind Sensate is based on the principle of somatosensory stimulation, which is the activation of the body's sensory system through touch, vibration, and other forms of physical sensation. This type of stimulation has been shown to have a variety of beneficial effects on the body, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and promoting feelings of well-being.

Research has also suggested that the use of low-frequency vibrations can have specific physiological effects on the body, such as reducing muscle tension and increasing blood flow to the tissues. These effects may help to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as improve overall physical and mental health.

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

Meditation is a mind-body practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Sensate works to boost the effects of meditation and help you achieve a state of relaxation that was previously only possible through years of practice. There is a growing body of research that suggests that regular meditation practice can have a variety of benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Meditation has been shown to reduce the body's stress response and decrease feelings of anxiety.

  • Improved emotional regulation: Regular meditation practice has been associated with increased emotional regulation, including improved mood, reduced negative emotions, and increased positive emotions.

  • Improved cognitive function: Meditation has been shown to improve cognitive function, including attention, memory, and decision-making.

  • Reduced symptoms of depression: Meditation may help to reduce symptoms of depression, including low mood, lack of motivation, and feelings of worthlessness.

  • Improved sleep: Regular meditation practice may help to improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.

  • Reduced blood pressure: Meditation has been shown to reduce blood pressure, which may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Increased feelings of well-being: Meditation has been associated with increased feelings of well-being, including increased self-esteem, self-awareness, and compassion for others.

Overall, meditation is a safe and accessible practice that can have a variety of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, ability, or background, and can be tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Your How-To Guide:

How do you use Sensate to help relax and calm your anxiety?

Step One

Find a comfortable place to lie down or to lean back, where you won't be disturbed for 10, 20, or 30 minutes. Put your headphones on. 

Step Two

Open the app on your smartphone and power on your Sensate, allowing them to pair themselves while you choose your session. 

Step Three

Place the Sensate on your chest, adjust the volume and intensity, and close your eyes as the sound frequencies relax your body.

It’s as easy as that! In a matter of minutes, you’ll be on your way into a deeply soothing meditation session. Something that previously would have taken years of training and practice to achieve the same state of relaxation and meditation, is now accessible at the touch of a button. Internal healing doesn’t have to be so complicated – let the soothing vibrations guide you into a state of bliss.

How often should you use this nervous system regulation device?

It’s recommended that you use Sensate at least once a day, but what are some specific situations that would be the most impactful for your experience?

Do you ever find yourself exhausted and burnt out in the middle of the day? Do you have trouble clearing your mind for sleep? What about just starting your day centered and focused? These are all perfect times to take a moment for yourself and meditate. Therapy is a great way to utilize this device, but there are also many other beneficial times to use it on your own, too!

Looking for some more inspiration on when and how to use it? The Sensate website has some great videos and testimonials of real customers and their life-changing experiences. We hope you’ll give it a try and unlock the full potential of your mind/body connection!

Your exclusive code for a discount on your order is YJT10!

Woman using Sensate device to relax and sleep better
Mary Beth Somich, LPC

Private Practice Therapist, Coach, Podcast Host & Course Creator. 


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