When Cost Is A Main Barrier To Therapy.

👀 You see your friends in therapy.
👏🏼 You like what they say about it.
🙌🏻 You want a therapist of your own.
💰 But you have to figure out how it fits into your budget.

The struggle is real.

As a therapist, I hate that cost is a factor keeping people out of counseling that they could benefit tremendously from. Especially, because here are huge costs to neglecting your mental health. The truth is, therapy on a budget is better than no therapy at all 🙌🏻.

To follow up yesterday’s post, as promised, I want you to know all of your options:

✨ OpenPathCollective.com is a non-profit that offers affordable, in-office sessions with a local therapist for between $30-60 in all 50 states.

✨ If you’re a student, most universities offer free counseling through their college counseling center.

✨ Ask if a local practice has any interns. Graduate schools require therapists in training to complete a number of clinical hours supervised by someone who has been practicing for several years. Since these interns really want to see clients and practice the skills they are learning, you can often work with them at minimal cost.

✨ Ask your therapist of choice if they offer a sliding fee scale.

✨ Try group therapy, which is usually offered at a lower cost. Groups are not the same as individual therapy, but can be connecting & supportive.

Mary Beth Somich, LPC

Private Practice Therapist, Coach, Podcast Host & Course Creator. 


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